I samarbete med Neversecond har vi fått möjligheten att ta del av Lisa Nordéns tankar kring energiintag i samband med löpträning.
Comments on run training:
"I think a lot of runners under fuel (also like Swedish top runners, at least the ones I know…) The complication is it’s tricky to carry (compared to when on the bike with plenty of storage options…).
I use the compressport free belt which fits gels, soft flasks and also my phone if needed.
Softflasks are good as they take no space once empty and they are also easy to run with when full.
So say if I have a 2hr run with efforts (eg the other day was 8k WU, 5x(2km 4min/km + 1km 4:20-30), 2k WD ) I’d bring 90g of carbs. = 3 gels + 1 C90. The C90 I would mix strong and put into two softflaks which I would swap halfway ( I did a few loops and also had some sips of water at the "looping place”)
This amount of fueling might not be necessary to complete the session, but being in a big training block it helps to keep the quality up and also helps the recovery for sessions coming up after/the next days.
It also gives me confidence I can fuel well during an IM marathon and that my system can tolerate the amount of carbs while running. Starting an Ironman Marathon I have already been racing for roughly 6 hours which is very different from starting fresh (eg a stand alone marathon)
One other strategy I used is to fill up soft flasks with gels + a little water and grab water from the course. I set a time limit on each flasks to when they have to be finished (depending on carb target).
One key point too is not to stop fuelling the session because it’s soon finished (say if there is 20-30mins left) but to fuel it the whole way. It’s like kickstarting the recovery early.
Straight after a bigger run, I’d drink a P30 recovery mix (that I mix with some ice and coffee to make it even tastier)"
/Lisa Nordén
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